Summer Tyler Center Fellowship for International Study

 Full time enrollment as an undergraduate
 Demonstrable financial need
 US citizen, PR, int’l students
 18+ years of age
 open to students of all disciplines and fields of study

If you have questions, please contact

The mission of the Tyler Center for Global Studies is to cultivate a community of global scholars who shape the future through research, innovation, and collaboration.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Tyler Center - UC San Diego Mentor

    Do you have a UC San Diego faculty mentor associated with this (potential) project? If so, please enter their name, title, department, and contact information (email). If no, please type "N/A".
  2. Tyler Center - International Mentor

    Do you have a faculty mentor at another institution associated with this (potential) project? If so, please enter their name, title, department, and contact information (email). If no, please type "N/A".
  3. Tyler Center - Additional Mentors

    Are there any other mentors who will associated with this project? If so, please enter their name, role, and email below.
  4. Tyler Center - Location

    Please share the city/cities and country/countries of where you will be doing your research project.
  5. Tyler Center - Existing Arrangements

    Do you already have existing arrangements (contacts, etc.). If so, please briefly describe.
  6. Tyler Center - Institution

    If you will be affiliated with an institution(s) abroad, please list them here. If you are not affiliated with an institution, please write "N/A"
  7. Tyler Center - Description of Proposed Research Activity

  8. Tyler Center - IRB Approval

    Is Internal Review Board (IRB) or the equivalent at an international institution approval necessary for this project, and if so, has it been obtained by you or your faculty mentor? Please check all that apply for your situation. If need be, provide clarification at the end of the application.
  9. Tyler Center - Budget

  10. Tyler Center - Another Program

    Will this opportunity be conducted in conjunction with another program? If so, please give the name below and let us know if you have already been accepted into this program.
  11. Tyler Center - Broadening Perspective

    Briefly describe your academic and career goals and how participating in this program will help you achieve them.
  12. Tyler Center - Video

    Please make a 90 second video. Have your video address the following prompts: *Introduce yourself (Your background and any cross-cultural experiences you've had)  *Your vision (How do you see yourself embodying or expanding your global perspective through this opportunity?)  *Your impact (What issue or challenge are you passionate about solving?  *Your goals (What do you hope to learn through this experience?). Please submit a link to your video below (youtube, vimeo, zoom, etc.). If you have technical difficulties, please send your video to and indicate so below.
  13. Tyler Center - Additional Information

    Is there anything else you would like to tell us or any responses that need clarification?
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